
Servers/archives, for faster inventories

The Servers/archives solution for tracking and managing servers in data centres and archives

Inventories are a major challenge for the proper functioning of a data center. However, it must be possible to carry out these regularly and in an optimal way. Often carried out manually, They are generally a source of errors, time-consuming and present risks: damaged equipment, disconnected cables, etc.
Very valuable for industries, data centres store all business data. It is a secure place where all equipment must be managed with caution. It is therefore to solve these different problems that UBI Solutions has developed the Server/Archive solution, exclusively dedicated to data centres.

IoT at the heart of our solution

Since the beginning of the digital revolution, the amount of data has been increasing. It is therefore necessary to be able to carry out accurate and rapid inventories to best meet the demand, with an unfailing organization. The aim is to create an automatic relationship between the site, the building, the room, the rack and the server. In order to cover all eventualities, we provide you with a complete solution based on IoT technologies that aims to optimize the operation of your data center.

UHF RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Ultra High Frequency) is the technology that will meet your objectives. Our solution is based on 3 distinct steps:

⮚ Each chip is printed with the barcode reference and is RFID encoded with the same information. It is these chips that save time, collect data in seconds, reduce your human and financial costs and therefore reduce human error.
⮚ Per room or per bay, the operator, using a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), retrieves the data from the tags. The chips transmit their identification information by radio frequency.
⮚ The inventory data is fully concentrated on our UBI Cloud platform, to which you have your own access and which is customised to your needs.

You can find a testimonial from the manager of the Orange Data Center in Val-de-Reuil, which is now using our solution.

Whether you have a small or large data centre, the IoT is a relevant solution to strengthen your inventory and organisation. The solution ensures lower costs, and promises faster and more secure results.


For more information on the Servers/Archives solution, you can contact our teams here.


Quantitative gains
Other gains
Stock qualityProduct search
Security for inventories in sensitive areas
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